She sways uncertain, heavy with that horror that will not fit in her skin.
She grieves with oceans that dwell within, a salt-water geyser spewing lava fire that reddens her eyes and face while she is slowly stumbling through her place, hoping that this is just some nightmare or mistake.
She shakes like an earthquake, ten hours too late and she can still feel the after shocks of what was lost.
She shudders trying to catch a breath that breaks faster than lightning, air that will not stay where it is needed ca, cau, cause… cause, her little boy just got shot by some off duty cop.
Not totally unexpected after a lifetime of being disrespected and disregarded by society, by a culture that devalues her son’s humanity because of the tint of his skin and where he was currently living;
But this is a pain that keeps on giving more sorrow, and then on the day after the day after tomorrow,
she sees this social disease on her tv where talking bobble heads deny the cop’s complicity, rewrite reality whilst ignoring history, and turn her young son into a big bad ****.