This one was a reply to a write by a good friend about learning or not learning from our past experiences... ** The past is past is past or it is passed on by re the past notched marked by repast after repast the past is set past is cast a plaster cast a master class in rote fixed irrefutable non mutable dissimilar to what lies in the interstices as the aperture closes the fissure fuses past becomes futures muse a riddling ruse the future mutable and inscrutable an enigma machine sibylline potentially sublime as yet pristine unmarked or measured its layers feathered still the past possibly imparts a suture to our future in parts lessons learned badges of honour earned or bridges burned lessons unlearned vexed and perplexed so past invades the now the next past behaviour's become an opaque crystal ball warnings predicative indicative of a future fall perception restrictive reminds us that what lies behind us can time jump morph fast forward wind to render us blind forgetting letting past past past get set to upsetting the apple cart with it dictate a forced error restart and so the past the past the past the presets and how past catapults ahead resets at now back from the future to present unbidden unsavoury gifts continuum slips fabric of time rips tears at its seams and so it seems like lucid dreams the past the past the past on presents door does beat beat beat a current theme set eternal infernal drum machine looped continuous cycle to repeat repeat repeat.