Marveled as a rare beauty The black pearl shines upon the heavens A celestial body of his own construct Marvel at the resonance of sorrow
Did he rise through the seas to reach the mighty heavens? Did he escape the darkness of the deep? How did such beauty mark the realm of gods?
A twinkling contradiction up on the vast unknown A black pearl shining through the calm oceans of solitude Kneel before the majesty of uncharted heavens branded
Truth be told however, He never rose from the deep, never departed from the burning waters beneath This celestial body didn't brand the land of dreams
Such deep woes are the tears he creates as he looms ever closer Falling upon the earth and land of man This beauty is burning bright into collision
Marvel not at the enthralling light But at the flame that dares defy the gods Behold the black pearl that denounces immortality The black pearl that accepts reality Regard not that which could be, But that which is Witness the Falling Star