Definition of God Is the first... We consider the Limitations of language Which seem to leave This question unanswerable.. A defined God is not God... Yet...
Purpose of Christianity Is the second... The purpose of this Tradition is the same For all traditions.. Simply to awaken to The Perennial Source Of which Christianity Is one expression...
Like a Salad Bowl Is the third... A blending implied Of the disparate Vegetables in the bowl.. Instead let us Recognize the vegetables As temporary colorations of the Bowl...
Control and Guilt Is the fourth... This is the charge of Many observers of Exterior appearances Of Christianity.. Appearances are of Separation born from Hardening cultural belief Over the centuries...
Stemming Decline Is the fifth... Perhaps we need To assess the decline For the benefits That seem possible.. The major question: Does the decline Provide a cleansing Of the blinders Hiding the Truth...?
( These are my thumbnail responses to questions posed for a group panel discussion.)