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Sep 2019
Let them of the anti-semite, anti-monarchist and anti-progressive tans
concentrate on that lone man to show the anodyne bullying of theirs
for an election coming soon and sure as hell they are going to lose it
so better have your fun showing peoples power against one lone man
that's far as your power reaches for whats more important is beyond
they say the leader is a superannuated student good at basic rabble
the common room politician saving the world on impossible dreams
tax the rich till revenues fall to nothing as they all flee city and towns
spend money we don't have till we twin with Venezuela and frown
sow discords and division and call it peoples power while you stink
full of ***** tricks and murky deeds is not grown up politics for many
many means all not the neons of momentum that bully and discredits
its about fairness, justice, cooperation not hating and discriminating
do as you like, call it power the people know you're just sad jokers
cheating lying incompetent paranoid agitators incapables unfit to rule
calling your childish immatured envy and jealousy revolution it is not
so better stick to what you're good at helping scums and pond-lives
live on state hand-outs , welfare rather than encourage them to work
blame the wealth creators and the successful s for everything wrong
pick on progressive tans and call them traitors because they're woke
spread your poisons all over the communities and call Tories enemies
better enjoy your networking and destroying the life of a single man
whose crime was to believe in hard work and earning not stealing
For another Election is coming soon and sure as hell you gonna lose
and because of me most people have seen your evil spiteful under-belly and they have seen how you twist and lie and they don't like
what you stand for
Better gather the momentum now for you sure as hell are losing
Written by
Yenson  M/London
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