You see I do well in semi-polite society, but the populace is bothering me with their disease of well earned stupidity.
This city is swollen with a horde of ***** ***** who spout *******.
Pompous polluters, pigheaded capitol looters who take take, take, and take.
But when I try telling other men and women about the corruption they deny the filth of the sty they are living in.
Despite, how hard I try to be the good guy and inform them of the oncoming storm, the waters still rise before the sheep realize that they are in a flood.
I watch the cost of ignorance. There find my mind is losing patience and fast behind these strange time my compassion is barely hanging, slowly changing into to anger
The rage is simmering, swimming in a soup of discontent to apathy, and I am about to let go of the last shreds of my empathy.