I often wonder how some people have grown so miserable and stiff. I always venture to think that they were once free and loving, open to wild thoughts and crazy goals. But someone must have broken them. Someone shattered those dreams they created. A sad person transformed another into a life of misery. Someone broke their reality Their ambitions Their heart. And they are still recovering, trying to cope. I used to treat the bitter like they treated me, but I've learned that kindness is what they need To be pieced together, To be whole again.
Misery is in some ways a plague. Once one person catches it, they like to spread it. (Misery loves company? Yes it does.) Staying positive is very hard when the world is trying to bring you down, and the only thing keeping yourself afloat is yourself. I feel like the only one who cares if I'm happy or not is myself. But I'm trying, so hard, to see the good in others, and to not catch the plague.