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Aug 2019
There she was,
facing a group of people no better
than strangers.
In a room filled with noise
and disturbance,
amidst the cold aura of the spectrum.
She stood: pondering.
In the brief span of a millisecond,
she thought up an answer to the
question presented to her.
She smiles.

She scans the room.
And for some inexplicable reason,
a coincidence;
In fact - nothing more than a whim of chance;
She met my eyes.

Instantaneous - it was.
It look less than a fleeting second - our gaze.
Yet, to me, that memory remains an eternity.
It took less than a fleeting second - for her
to shake my stagnant heart, my deadpan soul,
my enfeebled spirit.
It took nothing more than a smile,
to make my heart beat again.
Written by
P  20/M/Philippines
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