No (wo) man is an island But is it possible to be the Roaring ocean? Swallowing rocks with animosity And spitting out a Glittery product Of sandy turmoil
No (wo)man is an island But is it possible to be the grey Black boulders? Among the edge Where the green lush ends And the midnight blue Sadness begins. Stagnant and indifferent To the wild hearted seagulls Perched and picking Pointing out the imperfections Of a jagged way of being
No (wo)man is an island But is it possible to be the drifting Lofty limitless clouds A pertinent part of the paradoxical ceiling Of the globe Floating and spreading Fluffy wings of idealism offering frustrating fantastical Dreamy substance To a crooked solidified world below
No (wo)man is an island But is there just a small Glimmering possibility That if I wanted to be I could be an island Lone, and far away From these Destructive city slicker Emotions That stack on top of each other Like the condos neighboring my mind Crowding my consciousness