growing up in the land of the hot sun mosquitoes via with humans for food and blood they swarm around hungrily looking to bite and feed but like all things familiar they soon become objects of fun we laugh merrily and chase them around or swat them when close in no time they so lose their menace, just little insects humming by why sweat the small stuff when there are more relevant stuff to do who respects a mosquito or allows petty irritants to stress them out you see them for what they are and when bored you chase them out valuable training for life where people **** at the slightest annoyance No, life ain't perfect and mosquitoes too have their place on earth too there are always going to be pests and irritants in our fine world Just learn to know that mosquitoes are small irrational mad nuisances and you are a human, play with playthings, they do fear you but they are still brainless enough to buzz around,some needs swatting though