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Sep 2019
Dear loved one,
I am here in a lost world, all on my own in an abandoned environment.
No one to talk to, no friend to disturb, no one to crack a joke for me, no one to hug, no one to kiss, no one to love.
This place feels safer because I don't hear **** from people but among the things I miss is hearing from you.
I understand I have a big problem and I never admit that I have lost. It's so hard I can never find any other like you but if the winds wish me good, they should blow you to my direction.
I am standing on a cliff holding a photograph of you smiling infectiously.
It shows your powerful divine beauty and I'm placing it on my chest. If you could imagine it, then you could feel my heart racing for you.
I do not know how to swim but I'm actually ready to jump.
If you can't love me on earth, then maybe you will in the after earth.
Before I do so, remember one thing. If there's any good thing I chose in life, its to love and be with you.
This is my goodbye
Wekiya Brian Cyrus
Written by
Wekiya Brian Cyrus  20/M/Uganda
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