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Aug 2019
I found love inside your soul
beautiful melodies filling the landscape,
creating earthbound equations and new escapes,
slick subjects rising in boundless light,
subsequent sentences so radiant and smooth sailing,
your brilliant jazz a repetition of rocking beats
jamming the boulevard.  Your frequency was
essential to my deliverance, pure affectionate
diction bringing me into the classic inventions
within your profound pathway, illuminating flow
and divine lyrics trailing the shimmering streets
inside your flight.  The exhilarating exclamations
igniting prolific passion and satisfaction
in your halo of angelic lands, sheer signs
of grand romance, breathtaking sines and cosines
swirling around the upbeat trees and leaves within
your cool breeze, tangents and cotangents inhaling
**** glitter from your melanin flesh.  Immense art
and glory writing their existence in your riveting
rivers of spectacular magic, implementing new
and innovative ideas, painting crystal bright walls
an array of hues, iridescent derivatives, moonlit
cadence perfectly orbiting your sleek canvas.
Iā€™m in love with various paragraphs, how the lines
shine in my brown eyes, how the letters
fill my mind with astonishing designs, the countless
pages so amazing and creative, the heading a rich
fulfilling destination, theme fonts so thrilling,
drawing me closer into your elegant craft.
Travis Green
Written by
Travis Green  30/M/Middlesex, NC
(30/M/Middlesex, NC)   
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