I guess that at a certain period of life You stop being you. Uniquely, beautifully YOU. Was it the cold, black coffee? The sleepless nights? The drugs you did? The level of alcohol in your bloodstream? Was it like grabbing the tail of the snake that turned to bite you? But, you know, it's easier to wrestle the snake once the head has been cut off. Treat your mind like a two-year-old, Child, Or flower into darkness. Stop hiding from the shadows. Start living and Start being you; Uniquely, beautifully, unapologetically you. Start taking care of your body, ( Your body is a temple, ancient and crumbling, probably cursed and hunted, but a temple nonetheless.) Take your meds, hydrate, nourish the brain that powers you, Did you eat enough? Did you sleep enough? Did you took the time this morning to look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself everything is going to be okay? Rise like smoke, Little One, Burn with the strengths of a thousand suns.