Walking in the park, a man smiled at me, he was *****, looked homeless but the smile he displayed was of sparkling gold, never saw a smile filled with such delight, as the man passed me, I turned my head to have one more look, he seemed to be floating, not walking down the path as I.
Amazing! I thought silently. How could this be! he was humming a song I'd never heard, but the melody still haunts me. Like an angel smile a song only an angel could hum. Maybe he was an angel without wings the thought did enter my mind. As it is said, angels walk among us, not dressed in white with wings.
I'll never be the same again, troubles I thought were stressful, have not troubled me again..I feel like am floating in a world filled with uncertainty yet my heart is not heavy. I have walked this path in the park so many times I could not count how many. When walking, the soft breeze blows trees seem to greet me with a pleasant hello. A peacefulness abides in this park that comforts.