The men line up Up against my brain Too big for its skull They bleed out my eyes And eyelashes become their noose. But you don't ever get in line. So you won't be finished off. Done, you sewed up creature, Will you keep this name?
Go ahead Finish me off with your broken Neck intentions I see how your eyes flutter and shut Like a hospital bed curtain I see the hangmen Dangling from your Eyelashes
Slowly fire red blood dries to a maroon and, there, a raccoon mocks your crawling carcass
Ha ha you know the rhyme then Again and again I'm looking for someone who can understand Awkward crisscrossing needle and thread Your hands are stained red with my blood Now you are gone Your absence leaving Bleeding bullet holes That anyone can walk By and put their fingers in I love the quick high The exasperated rush but I wish now you did not leave Such a perfect exit wound
Needle and thread shaking But Why? Haven't I done this before? A thousand times Change his name. Sew him up. Scared every time.
*You changed your name A thousand times since last we met I am cold and tired my wounds deep I love you no-name Sew me up
The italics were written by Insufferable Student, the regular font was written by me.