Years are revisited As I bury myself in snow And listen to the cries of the ******.
I watch the places Where your funeral pyre lied, And whimper, wishing I was superman.
There used to be a fear in me, A fear to let people in, or love anyone, Because as soon as I dared don a title, everyone ripped from my fingers.
But I'm older now, I've truely fallen in love, And been set ardently aflame, Writhing in the agony that made me.
I have scorched away my mind's youth, Trading it for browned flowers and hushed internet history, I am so fervently alive it hurts.
But? Winter came and Stole everyone and everything, Freezing your goregous minds and open hearts. I watch you all fall like flies, Just leaping for a chance to die.
I hold you hands close to my chest, Wishing you all knew that you've made an athiest pray, And how dearly my world, and the world, needs you.