We're either a nation of cowards Or a nation of fools When our kids shelter in place Inside of their schools And our president breaks All of the rules And locks children in cages Which proves that he's cruel
We're either a nation of cowards Or a nation of fools When criminals are pardoned As part of the tools That the president uses To protect his footstools Which he bandies about Like they were precious jewels
We're either a nation of cowards Or a nation of fools Who proceed blindly Like a wagon train of mules Who are being driven By an assortment of ghouls Who push our buttons And change our molecules
We're either a nation of cowards Or a nation of fools Who resist climate change And biofuels Those who mention them He simply overrules With little resistance From those he ridicules
Cedric McClester, Copyright (c) 2019.Β Β All rights reserved.