Do not expect the morons to see the obvious, its not in their nature low voltage minds neither reasons nor rationalizes not a processor, it merely ignites and carry wattage thus, merely a repetitive uno-conductor, electrical parrot a switch, basic and simple , on off, on off in circuit frame overloading an advanced mind, I think not from a mere tool a cannon fodder task for cannon fodders ain't worth the time triggers obsolete, hinges and anchors only applies to simpletons
A sane realist knows a positive union is two ways the onus is not just from one side if it were real and sincere they cannot see that's where their drama leaks like a torn sieve in their world a one sided currency note is genuine and real kosher and they would keep it to buy their mothers a pink scarf and roses or perhaps save it to attend the puppet show for the blind and dumb or buy that bestseller, ' How to win Enemies and influence Nothing' Ah, the snowflakes and snow-minds and snow bodies all frozen cold life on the piste, ******* with their **** heads all amiss in tizzies