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Mar 2013
Do you remember that day?
When we first met?
It was beautiful..

The sun was shining bright
the sky was clear...
the trees were being green and lush
The flowers were blooming

And we were having a fun time
We danced a bit
Talked for everr

And we stayed together,
to watch the sun dip below the horizon
Promising each other
That we would rendezvous
at the same spot and the same time

The next day
I waited for you..
And you never came
I waited for you the day after..
staying for more than 3 hrs after the rendezvous
Yet you never came

That day my heart burned through my skin
I never found out why you didn't come
But what I did realize was that
Trusting people too much
Doesn't end well
One of my best friends actually did this to me.. To this day I haven't forgotten it.. Nor will I ever.
Sir B
Written by
Sir B  Mind Palace
(Mind Palace)   
   --- and Pure LOVE
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