Crows of brooklyn payphone goddess Shakespeare: old skinny repeating thin silver words beneath a sea shell stolen by a 7 year old girl in a red rag dress from the burning contemporary bookstore tossing sweat thru irrelevant back spine tunnel streets featherless skulls spitting sour chinese gin from chimney blow hole of their decaying dead thieving Fox revolting death to mother blessing decay red blue green white Fox yellow brown fur swirling entwined like melting crayons on a stone militia crafted bench researched developed by young Hispanic America Freedom wanderers too hot too cold to undress and **** swirling together like cigar french ashes with tongue hued wine feverish coffee thick as the bulging pregnant belly mother giving taking birth to a child tossed carelessly into the Great Lakes sipping on bad spoiled milk digesting salt hard boiled swan eggs eating purity chewing skunk coughing industrial chemical gasoline ******* AIDS NYC bright non-existent lights non-existent Allah howling North Korea Communist war hymns sing great religious protest gunky toe nail'd feet waltzing in the stomach of medieval ballrooms chandelier not casted by infinite diamonds but by Jewish slaves Islamic skins Christian leather Catholic molested brains children bones deceased Langston Hughes hung by Hughes spine and pupil the size of texas mass of the ****** female lips and knees wearing color blind dress shoes unfound skin feet walking on rain drizzling beach washed up skeleton sting ray the skin unwrapped like a christmas gift Santa is starvation licking the shoe polished long toes of Death riding the Downtown artificial lights artificial scientist crafted classical elevator time consuming Death songs
Jesus, waking up, to his body dry, like that of Winter's rose and lips.