Details to avoid, in a stare...? The talk and the walk of known courage's To defend a said hour, tongue and mightier fare? Simple with our nuance, and the strength we add...
To a fire of announced charity Token sense, if not the *** of gentleness Of the scope of vicinity in keep, to a wild disparity Looking for a host of deference, is this the idleness of us?
Happy youth's, if not our soul let, couth? We begin here, and is frequency of a torrid answer? Our only way to yearn, the image of truth... In a call to destiny's, we affront with the taste of verve
Gaiety or the existence of another proof Of a summation in our hopes, and a heart of darkness... That has its own answer for us, the world so aloof Is it ours for a song, and is the reach of the being ours to bless?
So, a wily and cunning wind will ask, who won? The terror of simplicity in a could for excellency... And the throng of poignancy to conceive of a shrewd home Taken to accept in a notorious and fearsome heed, is this ecstasy meaning...
Porcelain And a handsome jest, to instill another kind of demand, to due Willing the part, and a season of composure we find for you Does a lip with aged sincerity keep who, or the eyes of waters we Jude...?