Start introductions with respect And let the response be a guide to how you proceed. Don't judge people by their appearance, I've met some of the most honest people without a penny to their name And some of the most crooked people dressed in suits with a firm handshake. Try to go to sleep every night without anger And wake up every morning the same. Make time to do something you love Between all the obligations you have to do.
Learn a little about a lot of religions, You might realize everyone is searching the same. There is enough hate in the world without Racism, bigotry, or a non-violent personal choice. Don't worry about everyone else Or you may lose sight of yourself. Try to adapt with the world around you But know when to hold your ground Because some convictions aren't worth breaking While others only exist like worn grooves.
Do something nice with no expectation For your own personal being. If you have the opportunity to pay life forward You may be in a better position than the one you helped And you are owed nothing for being kind.
It's okay to take advice from strangers But always take it with a grain of salt Because they are not in your same position And you are not in their position either.