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Aug 2019

Difficulties come suddenly, with a bang; in a gang.

Taken aback we are, as that poisonous serpent raises his fang.

This afternoon was an ordinary one, cooly I sang.

A little discomfort, a little dyspnea, a bell of alarm rang !

Then the doc said very grave is the problem, failing is his heart.

Now in ICCU admitted he is, n anxiously I await his recovery.

Ahura please bless my dearest hubby with a long healthy n happy life.

As such, we all know that life is full of strife;

So all my dear readers, friends n near n  dear ones pray for my Hubby please do.

Pray for Vispi's recovery quick; for miracles happen do.

In my crisis grant me strength, physical, mental, emotional please.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
     Carmen Jane and ---
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