I used to be the prettiest girl in the room And usually the smartest I was the queen of reparte' And good at almost everything
I used to always get The biggest piece of cake, And the seat nearest the front Was always saved for me.
I used to juggle seven ***** at once While keeping ten plates spinning on their poles And dancing to the latest beat Dressed up in next year’s fashions.
I used to keep track of everything I had my finger on the pulse Of what was new and meaningful And helped to make it real.
I used to write enduring verse That awed them when I read it I wrote of Hollyhocks and love In words that time could not erase.
I used to visualize today, No longer beautiful or smart And wonder how I’d face the world And make my way across it.
I used to be what I’m now not So when I make a smaller splash I find it’s nice to not get soaked Therefore I’m happy to be me ljm
Living past your looks is not for the faint ofh eart.