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Aug 2019
Wake up to the beating of my heart, will you?
Sleep on my chest while listening to my voice
singing to the beat of your heart
Challenge the way I think
Burst my fears with pride spreading through both our veins
Laugh with my soul
Dance with the way my feet walk barefoot through the grass
Make it easy
Say my words while I think your thoughts
Drive me insane with the way you hear what people say with their eyes
Make me realise the pain I will never feel again
Stop the things that make me break
Cherish the moments that haven’t happen yet
Hold my hand with your mind
Love my mind with your touch
Write like my mouth could ink the paper itself
Do the things I would never ask with words
Let your body dream my dreams
But most of all
and this is the important bit
Do it all with Me.
Written by
Raika Parzella  28/F/Germany
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