Pour myself another drink I should stop writing and denounce HP It has become a voice to my nightly brain fever More serious disease than syphilis As it eats away at my brain I suspect in much the same way In past a vent for the toxic thoughts off divorce Preoccupied in bitter tears and hatred Not seeing its healing potential till now A display of my emotion Sometimes intense yet so often lost to others A soap box of parody that hid a broken heart An inverse playground of my deepest fears In that it has many swings and roundabouts Of love, for others here Some home so long since gone Dealings with grief and loss of substance My family Now seems like a wrecking ball formed verse when re read Others I cannot see where I was in my head Lights on yet not at home The words don't fit now I thought STOP! Delete But that would be failed testament to myself. The gin now speaks not me (metaphoric as drinking Bundaberg Guava as good for the kidneys and to wash down my acidophIlus tablets just to clear up that I'm not a wino!) A bottle opened to embrace Odd as I can't remember when I last loaded More so on a school night I was told to look in not omit myself by helping others Give me some me time I have time I dwell, cogitate to detriment and find no solution So Yes may be his answer and his inner solace It is not yet for me. Goodnight Mrs Kalabash see you in St Louis