We stepped, unknowing, into the shadows cast by social media; postmodern realities emerged, Crafted from big data. We're caught in the world wide web, Caught between "the electron and the switch". Cambridge Analytica, Data Propira; Technocracy, Algocracy.
Enticed by a promise of what could be, "Trust your technolust" was the advice those hopefuls gave me. Their optimism, innocent naivety, glitched history. I can't sign out of my social media account. Anxiety's got me in her grip.
How do we fight the power, Will privacy prevail? Data rights would promise us a patch for this great hack, But there'll always be shadows as long as there's light, Those who declare anonymity is their right. Cyberpunks, cypherpunks, crypto-anarchism won't be enough. As is, potentials' -liberalism and -libertarianism duke it out. The electron remains, but one wonders as 'the switch' gives way to something all the more quantum.
Recommended watching: The Great Hack (2019)
Quotes: Line Seven from The Hacker Manifesto by +++The Mentor+++ (January 8, 1986) Line Fifteen seen in Hackers (1995)