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Mar 2013
Say nothing.
While you're lying there.
Just let me look at you.
And wonder.

Wonder, how a man like me get so lucky?

Say quiet.
Ask not a word.
I'll do all the talking to you.
And wonder.

Wonder, just what it is you see in me?

You know in your heart.
You had your choice of the litter of men.
But in the end , I was the one you decided to be the man for you.

And I hope in my heart.
As your lover of choice.
I hadn't let you down.
Cause you sure hadn't disapointed me.

Just look.
Just look and wonder.
But let me confirm with truth.
That as long as I'm breathing.
I will do my best for you.

So, say nothing.
Just enjoy my love.
In similar ways that I enjoy yours.
jeffrey conyers
Written by
jeffrey conyers  united states
(united states)   
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