I can't seem to get this right... every time we try to talk... it seems to end in a fight...
I know it's a cliche' to say... "It's not you, it's me"... I know I've gotten thru, I know you now see... Even when I'm winning I can't seem to stop... from saying just one more thing... then wishing I had not...
We're like two birds balancing on a branch... being tossed back and forth... our tree swaying in the wind... I won't let go, I will not roam... Because you.. my sweet little bird... you make that tree feel like home...
I know I'm not the first bird to hold onto this branch... but I sure would like to be the last...
I know this is rough on you... decisions, choices, sacrifices, ... I know you have to be scared... your head has to be reeling...
But know this, I smile when I think of you...more than before... You finally gave in and opened a door... and gave me a peek at how you are feeling....
So, I pray God gives me patients, like you've ask me to have... I know this is going to take time... but, every time I think of you... I about go out of my mind... ......the effect is not mild......
I'm asking you to please be patient also... and I will try to grow up and stop acting like a child...