Meet Francisco, an 18-year-old, Born right here in the good ol' U.S. Police held him in custody For twenty-six days nevertheless.
Detention centers are certainly not Five-star hotels in any form. Frigid and crowded cages or rooms And inhumane treatment are more the norm.
Francisco had his social security Card and ID in order to prove That he was really a U.S. citizen. Border police still made their move.
Although someone spends many years Elsewhere, our legal apparatus Has to know that doing that Doesn't change one's citizenship status.
They claimed that Francisco's identification Information all was fake. Of course, they have to find excuses To cover up their big mistake.
Such "mistakes" are fairly common When we have a president who Says that what is true is false; What is false, he claims is true.
Most people see through his dangerous lies, But there are many who want to believe Every word he says that offers Support to ideas to which they cleave.
Stop atrocities at our border! Stop treating people in ways That NO human being should be treated! Stop the processing delays!
Stop family separation And caging asylum seekers as well, As though to get even with them Their lives are made a living hell!
How many more "Franciscos" are there Who don't even make the news? Whom will the president now attack? Who is next on his list to abuse?