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Jul 2019
The flat bread society, is not
an obvious translation of what
one might immediately assume.

We are a bunch of ne'er-do-well
people who survive on our wits,
that includes shoplifting, of course.

Unlike those of a similar name, who
are adamant that the earth is not round,
we have no such delusions about bread.

We live in a squatted flat, hence our
registered name, but to get our daily
bread out of Waitrose™ we stand on it.

This way, we boys can stuff it inside our
shirts, when it is the girls turn, they put
it under their skirts.

One of the females, came up with a great
idea, she pretends that she has a bun in the
oven, so, we are now The Round Bread Society®
Ryan O'Leary
Written by
Ryan O'Leary  Mallow.
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