Paces to run Order and frank purchase To tell a story of the hour, won Well to do, and with arduousness as an image
Looking among the challenge... Sorrow and focus, the drive of sake Told and taken to promise, the count of whence Prepared to survive the tenderer core, of what heed make
Silence approves, than the gun Appearances may deceive, but suicide has a key... Many to form the words of shares in harrowing Quiet become the throngs noise, to incite anarchy
Run, run, run we do Lived and thoughts of content, contemplating a host To decide our fate, are we worth the moment's who'th Coming and going to needs of privilege, for a soul so most
Looking for the far hill's, seasoned and cleverly adored? The wages of the world are at our fingertip's... Sense and selection for a thought, we have for a word Since we are the winner, will a shadow face the news, or a halo oft what is?
Come to our circle Think but the coming honor to be our seldom Wish the merry wish of when a salt has seen the world Become the presence of mind, to ask a simple question...