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Jul 2019
I remember when I became interested in this rap ****,
I was in elementary, specifically grade 6.
Knew about it before then but I didn’t like it.
Was a metal head that listened to the classics.
From tfk to guns and roses.
But then I heard real lyrics from a rapper who struggled just like you and me.
Who rapped about his life on the streets.
A man who was once homeless to becoming a two time Grammy nominee.
The one and only Fresh I.E.
It made me see what rap could be,
Where one can to tell people about their stories.
After that I did some researching.
Learning about flow, syllables and about timing.
Listening to the 116 clique while practicing my writing.
Everyday for the longest time, rap was the only thing I was breathing.
And around that time I was also struggling and angry about everything.
So, I transferred that into my lyrics which was so refreshing.
It was like my own personal therapy.
Where I could use profanity.
Which ironically shifted from my upbringing.
Which was centred in Christianity.
So, I needed a name that conveyed this new personality.
That was a mixture of good and evil known also as a duality.
Which originally was the name Don Richmon.
But I decided that wasn’t the name of a villain.
So, I took a route a little bit more classy.
And I knew I needed a gimmick to match this new personality.
So,I got myself a suit and a top hat.
And chose to rap about controversial topics that would get me some push back.
But as a minority I couldn’t just sit back.
And keep having these privileged ******* stay on the attack.
Using my freedom of speech as the ultimate payback.
And sometimes they get offended, but hey Im just spitting the facts.
Your just mad that now your the ones with the guns to your backs.
Because it’s about time to get rid of the plaque.
And you best know Classy J is up for the task.
Classy J
Written by
Classy J  22/M/Medicine Hat
(22/M/Medicine Hat)   
     Truth be told and AJ
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