If the mill laborers know what I know about celestial being as known in jestful pun these clowns of the roving feral s casting lore of dubious yarns thinking imbecility resides in all as they resides in it the assumptions of wishful vacuous to fester mind if the opaque laborers know what I know their aims redundant as always eggs would wear faces and pointless endeavors will carry owned banners the over thirty years jokers still blinded to the reverse Hail the laborers at the mill, hail the jokers with witless tastes they sabotaged lifts and all walked but nothing was gained they huffed and puffed and blew themselves to absurdity they planned and plotted only to see boredom engulfed the crowd theirs is to do the foot-slog, ours is to laugh at the Wigan pier what is idle rest, I laid my hay long ago and made my peace If the mill laborers know what I know they will see wasters working hard to make more waste for theirs is to work and fret, fret and work from birth till death to ghosts already pale from .....