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Jul 2019
This person 'Suzy Berlinsky' harassed me and after she trolled me she blocked me. Please be warned. She's a troll. I pray no one else has the same problem. I blocked her after she said very rude things on my posts as well. I don't even know her. She doesn't follow my profile and I have never had contact with her until now. I wish the owner of HelloPoetry would ban people like her. It's horrible we can't stop them from harassing more people. Please help! I don't feel safe on here anymore. It's been the fourth troll that has attacked me since I joined. Why are these people allowed to continue? I really love HelloPoetry but it needs to have better safty. Maybe, the owner could make it possible that a profit gets banned from the website after being warned of harassment three times. Just any idea. I run websites and you need to make it safe for all who are using it. I am sorry I had to post this but it's getting worse and I don't feel safe. Thank you. God bless you all.
I am a kind person and I don't appreciate being attacked. I worry about others who are too anxious to speak up. I am speaking for everyone who is too afraid to. I am not afraid to say something if I don't feel safe. Please note that trolls are evil conniving people who don't care about your life, they find pleasure in others pain and reactions. I always recommend don't pay the toll to the trolls. They are ugly beings hiding behind a computer screen. That makes them cowards.
Amanda Shelton
Written by
Amanda Shelton  37/F/Bakersfield California
(37/F/Bakersfield California)   
   Jim Musics
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