"Think positive" they say "Stop stressing, cheer up" "Think about something else" "Maybe try talking to someone"
I don't think people really understand what depression and anxiety is like It's hard to explain, but let me tell you a little something about it..
I hate myself I can't look at myself in the mirror I don't like taking pictures of myself, because they'll never be good enough No compliment will ever make me change my mind
I can't breathe sometimes My heart races and feels like it's going to beat out of my chest Sometimes I can't sleep and the nightmares are real I can't even get out of the bed sometimes
I cry in the shower, in the car, in bed, everywhere Sometimes I stare blankly when no tears come out My mind always wanders to awful places I try to keep busy, but sometimes it's no good
I hate going out because I hate being around people I feel like everyone judges me I care about everyone else's opinion too much I don't like to bother anyone
I stress over everything No matter how much people tell me they love me, it's hard to believe it It's hard to look at the positive I feel like I'm drowning
Never feeling good enough Always feeling lost Wishing to take the pain away Wanting to be alone
Please tell me that you honestly believe that depression isn't a serious mental illness