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Jul 2019
as I struggle to take this shot of whiskey
I realize this is not the worst thing
being drunk is better than dealing with reality
especially when I have you to bully me

you're the one who told me not to drink
who tried to raise me
yet so effortlessly
it backfired into nothing

I'm tired of trying to follow peoples ways
my elders
those who knew more knew nothing of the sort
most was a lie

not everyone's experience is the same
although there is a line drawn
between knowing and learning
what do you know?

if you do not experience any of the sorts
what have you to offer?

the day I take your advice
honestly, could be on my death bed and I would never
who are you?

age does not matter
authority does not matter
knowledge does not comply unless wisdom knows the difference

when someone is asked, please listen?
take these thoughts into consideration.

Written by
jas  26/F/texas
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