An old Song on King Maveli goes somewhat like this. When the legendary King Maveli, Once governed over the land, God’s own country, Kerala, All the citizens had equality; And citizens were joyful and cheerful; They were all free from mischief; There was neither worry nor illness, There were no lies, prevailing; There was neither theft nor dishonesty, And no one was false in words either. Measures and weights were right; No one cheated or mistreated. When Maveli, our King, ruled the land, All the people created one caste-less race; And lived harmoniously as one family WILLIAMSJI MAVELI
MAVELI * NOTE : This is a translation from Malayalam. It is about the time of MAVELI*, the so called Legendary king ruled, Kerala on whose name "THIRUVONAM " is being celebrated during harvest season (August) which is also being considered as the national festival of Kerala State in India. The name "MAVELI" is only a coincidence with the name of the author WILLIAMSJI MAVELI .It is just a popular family name in Kerala State, in India