Yes, I can see it now. It's so vivid in my head I can almost taste it After all these years Swahili as a official language of Africa And one currency for the whole continent Land is for all who live in it Agriculture is bigger than any mineral resource Borders are just lines drawn on a piece of paper Color is the thing of the past Political leaders are not self obsessed cows who are self serving and only serve lies to the poor for supper, empty promises for breakfast and tax burdens for lunch A Africa where being an African and proud is something to be celebrated daily, not just a show-off play dress up thing once a year A green Africa where more trees are planted quicker than their cut down Green energy is embraced Churches are open shelters for the homeless Teaching is a respected profession Every child goes to school And no child crosses a lake and walk 5km to school Schools actually nurture kids talent and don't just train them to be working slaves Private and Public schools, clinics, hospitals or anything else are held at the same standard Men actually take care of their children and baby mamas A CEO is given a same respect as the Janitor Corruption is no more **** is legal Pigs are flying and...
Wait, Pretty obvious I'm high right now There's no way corruption will end Well, there goes my joint.