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Mar 2013
Fighting hard ,
Just to stay awake.
Thinking back ,
On my mistakes..
When will I ever learn?

Headphones on,
The world is gone.
Drowning in the rhythm ,
To my favorite song..
Where will I find my place?

Hiding far,
Behind these blue eyes.
No one can tell,
It's just a disguise..
Who would ever notice?

Sitting alone,
Throughout the day.
Daydreaming of places,
I can go to get away..
What would it take to leave?

Writing seems,
To free my mind..
All of my thoughts,
Just seem to unwind..
Why do I find this helpful?

Staring outside,
At the passerbys..
Wondering who's lives
Are a web of lies...
How are we alike?
Abagail Marie
Written by
Abagail Marie  26/New York
(26/New York)   
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