When we left, the anger was courageous Tears shrugged off their ducts and ran a river And so....it was an adopted day. Lopsided Out of kilter, hard boiled, the reflux swallowed
Spite spat out its tabloid journal and spanked me A chancer on a long haul flight of emotion. A broken limb A ball of 'Nastiness' bit into my flesh. Stamping dishonesty A clear winter blue sky......guarding its frosty secret
The guns shot their bullets, cracking the air between us Hitting the eye of the bull. The red rag waved at a tangent Calling in all favours. Bystanders gorged. Rubber necked As your heart parted company with your soul and bounced
When you undid the latch, the safety catch broke and hit the floor Purged. Vented. Filling the air with blemishes. The stars fell Short of their place in the universe; befriended and hung out With blackened bark as debris hit. Now minus will only equal minus .......equal minus