in the morning i decide to love myself with the sun shining in my face as i wake up cold sheeted i get up get dressed move out and about i preach love i say love i do love.
but at night, my decision fades, just like how the sun sets every six thirty in the evening as usual. see, when it goes down apparently i am down too i don't know how things work but i wish i could somehow i do not control my feelings or any emotion given to me. no, i am not a robot. but i just can't when i am lying to myself everyday that things would work out with my family, my friends, him.
it is not constant, let me assure you that. maybe it's just that i come home everyday thinking the world hates me. and so i delete every post or picture to not seem "seeking" maybe its how i am so passionate about something that i eager to show the world but no one wants to look at and so, delete there is. maybe it's just how i am so used to everyone talking about me i forget about the people who matter ; but then i do not either. they do matter. always have.