if I could distract you with silence would I have more power than you? if I could recount all your follies would you even know what to do? if I could become what your vice is would you have a beat in your heart? if I could convince you you’re living would you even know who you are? if I could throw stones at your language would you even speak once again? if I gave all that you wanted would you dare to challenge my friends? if I made it seem like I’m perfect would you still go seeking The Truth? if I gave you all of my knowledge would you give me all of your youth?
“Тогда Иисус возведен был Духом в пустыню, для искушения от диавола, и, постившись сорок дней и сорок ночей, напоследок взалкал.” От Матфея 4:1-2