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Mar 2013
The Muses keep coming
putting rhymes in my head
begging me to share these things
not only with my friends
the spirit does give wisdom
but you must lend a hand
just open up and let them use
your unsteady hand

What makes the Muses choose you
no one can really say
but I think what matters most
is getting them to stay
for insight is their specialty
a guiding light of truth
just like musicality
you just let it flow right through

Perhaps you will reach the one
whom needs your message most
or maybe someone reads it
and uses it to quote
whatever is the reason
the Muses knew ahead
they composed and stuck the message
deep inside your head

I think that they've been here
since the ancient times
giving us a helping hand
by leading us, the blind
they taught us how to survive
they taught us how to sing
they even taught us what life is
and how to live in harmony

But most have forsaken
these voices from within
and go about their daily lives
living on a whim
Listen to the voices
not the ones that drive you mad
listen closely to the ones
that comfort you in bed

I can not imagine
a life with out them there
how does one  express themselves
when no one really cares
it must be a horrid life
to face the drudgery
without a way to ease the pain
or an outlet for release

So thank the Muses
for their gift
they surely do deserve
all the thanks that comes their way
recognition above all
for the contributions
they have made today
giving me the words
and you something to say
Scot Powers
Written by
Scot Powers  Calgary ,Alberta, Canada
(Calgary ,Alberta, Canada)   
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