You were not a profit A margin set wide Applied in sleight of hand Applications , as all implications Imply that we have begun Ripping apart at the seems While dispatches twine Like a run away vine In, around and down the middle of all those dead end truths and cobble stones Wherein lies those alternate routes The endless drone of what I...DK - is the disquieting noise Made....when...the rubber does not Meet the road! All success in a business sense Requires a bit of hustle , some muscle Applied by the leverage gained Maintained by liberal false promises Cloaked and contained in the conmanservatude by blind faith idolatry False pride and emonumental Brigandage and deminionization Demonization and Condamnization That spread like some rare disease Across not only our own nation But around the whole misbegotten world So no profit upon us obliques Any more than will be visited upon those resolute parallels Who seem so blind, walking along All of one mind, and inclined to Absorb the blows, sing the praise I do not know how they cannot see The ship would sink , the markets close Without them as his orphan His common stock slowly slipping away Diminishing returns are not his concerns That lays more to the valuable blue chips Because it's easy to see facts are facts Took you and me and our hard earned common cash To pay for those inherently smarter 2% ers income tax. Someone has to and its not just us snowflakes paying.. Oh forget it! they still can't hear a word they themselves are saying They can't hear us Donald the DeDuck tion Spent extra for sound proof glass on the clown bus.