It’s the gold that is fused through the years a different fort Knox it is powerful it is all consuming and Refreshing its buying the best earth has to offer with never entertaining the idea of selling it is secure The stronghold of lovers the pen marks and distills adoration captures the enthralling Qualities showing one to be a true prince and a true princess it is spellbinding creates the flow That alone allows two separate beings to intermingle fused as one leaving a testament more Enduring than marble can anyone match or make such facts that endure through the mapping Of one’s person the details of their humanity revealed in the most loving description never to See hair so gorgeous lips so luscious eyes that you only want to linger in their gaze for ever Arms hands and fingers for the bliss of touch that melts your whole being the surrender that Defines cozy to the ultimate excess what wonder is experienced by couples who through Committed love have found the fragrance of the rose it is the rarified air they alone breathe From these dizzying heights they draw themselves back to earths plane when they pick up the Pen and with honesty born from delirium they write with utmost tenderness I love you a gush Of wind is set in motion pleasure captured as it describes rapture of being held in your arms When you speak it is nature breathing you hear coursing water the tree branches are swaying You have entered a gulf that is fixed there you both are suspended the drifting clouds soften Your brow is smooth the painter would and follows such sites to create masterpieces and this Is Common among you all things are in harmony truly the cooing of the dove forlorn exquisite Brooding enlarges your hearts you drift among the sacred forever without effort the enhancing Advancing years what abiding how far can wonder be stretched it is between these two pillars That lovers know the pen and the rose wakefulness is for living the dream sleeping is for Magical conferment boundless endless twist and turns of greatest delight thanks for your love My dear what joy and happiness you have made in my life how fortunate all of us are that are Loved and love and His love for us will never end in this we are in a mighty fortress first we have Each other then it is all enriched and made alive by pure love from above