I put down my fears every now and then. Post them on my wall may be to speak to them. To speak to themselves so as to speak to me. Speech to them while speaking to self, Glue it on the wall for passers-by to get a glipse, sympathize then walk away: customary. Written all over my faces for the expressions that I feel. Nurse the scars whilst alone. Have that smiley face mask for the turn up. The brain thinks, the heart saddens the smile, dries the lips and drains the tears Seek friendship, drown into lonliness and carry the long weight await. Stub self for the care that I took for them to feel at home Wripped my shoulder when it was up for grabs Treat their hearts good but their minds quicker to forget Only came forth when their souls were up for sale..
Everyone has a refugee camp, an escaping plan or a must do when in the betrayed emotions. Stick to your escapes.