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Jun 2019
Bullying was brutal, like
having your heart ripped
out and twisted inside
innumerable dimensions,
your chests squeezed, dizzy
eyes lost in the dark, your
body shut out from the world,
nowhere to spread your arms
and feel the magic illuminate
inside the corridors of your heart.
I remember the days when
I was afraid to step onto the
big yellow bus, afraid of being
bullied by various tyrants,
sinking inside as I made
my way towards the back
of the bus, my beating heart
moving with the sound
of the breeze, rising in the
wings of the sky.  I could
hear the incessant name-calling,
negative comments, and bitter
diction becoming slippery
tar and gravel, unfinished,
expanding and igniting immense
flames, haunting expressions,
loud noises spinning my nation
off course towards horrible
hallways of bladed waves.
There was a familiar voice
in the back of my head
reminding me that I was
worthless, nothing but dead
fish floating in the pond,
a falling mountain disappearing
in the distance never to be
seen again.  And as I tried
to breathe out all the chained
consonants from my mouth,
I could feel spitballs and skittles
landing in my hair and on the
pad of my thighs, heavy giggles
hovering in the air, smothering
my soul as I stared outside
at the sunlight wondering
when would I ever get the chance
to inhale the sweet sensations
surrounding my lake, reach
up high in the sky and spin
my body around and around,
shutting out all unwanted
distractions, freeing my mind
as I soar with the majestic eagles
across the vibrant horizon.
Travis Green
Written by
Travis Green  30/M/Middlesex, NC
(30/M/Middlesex, NC)   
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