I haven’t been able to write for a while and I find myself knocking on the door of my mind wondering when something will come out next I’m waiting for a surge of inspiration or a burst of creativity But I keep finding myself to be entirely hollow Writing has always been bittersweet for me; I think it’s because the pen in my hand will only work if there’s pain behind the ink I guess you could say that I’ve been scared to write anything new because I’m tired of reliving those memories with every broken sentence I write. You see, if I heal the pain, my pen runs out of ink and I lose the passion But if I keep feeding the pen in order to keep writing, I lose my happiness. My life has always felt that way though. I’ve always been in a dark room unable to see. And maybe I’ve always had the tools in my hand to fix the light But how am I supposed to fix something if I don’t know where it is?