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Mar 2013
looking out my window
slightly dreamily
my thoughts  start to wander
to friendship
and what that means
having someone to share
all those special things
why can't we just get along
like Lennon sings

greatly appreciated
are the simple things
that this life can teach us
if we are willing
to listen very carefully
to what is really said
get the true meaning
behind  each word that is sent

But far too often
we fail to really see
caught up in selfish desires
intent on our own needs
when our actions
wound a soul
it never is repaired
all that we can really do
is move on hoping we learned

I have come to realize
that there is no other way
concentrate on being the one
to waken a new day
I have lived my past  a fool
but now I am awake
pay attention to the ones you love
or the price you'll pay
of sitting all alone
at the window
Scot Powers
Written by
Scot Powers  Calgary ,Alberta, Canada
(Calgary ,Alberta, Canada)   
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